Ep. 86 – Developing a Warrior’s Heart
Over the past few weeks, we’ve talked to some incredible warriors with powerful stories and huge hearts. I’ve come up with three things that I’m going to do to help me develop a warrior’s heart, and I hope you’ll join me.
I’m also going to challenge all of you to share how these Warriors have encouraged you:
Create an Instagram story sharing how any of the guests I’ve had on my show have impacted you.
Tag me: @theimpactmike
- Find mentors – Each of our guests developed strong relationships with mentors from an early age, and continue to cultivate those kinds of relationships to this very day. Mentors matter because they can accelerate your success, and they can do that in three ways:
- Showing you the path.
- Helping you understand and adapt to the environment.
- Quickly identifying opportunities and threats.
- Don’t fall victim to the “comparison conundrum” – Each of our journeys is intensely personal, and it’s because of that very fact that we need to fight the tendency to compare ourselves or our experiences to others. Comparison will do nothing but steal our joy. Here’s how we can kick that habit to the curb:
- Choose to – because our choices are incredibly powerful.
- Develop greater self-awareness so we can easily identify situations that may cause us to compare ourselves or our experiences to others.
- Practice gratitude, because it kills negativity.
- Begin taking inventory of our skills. We all possess talents and strengths, and they don’t have to be huge things.
- Embrace imperfection.
- Enjoy the journey! When you’re fully present in the moment, you’re able to enjoy the process of growth.
- Say NO to the comfort zone – You don’t have to be the biggest person or the smartest person, but you do have to have what Jason Redman calls a “No Quit Attitude.” You must drive forward, find a way to accomplish your mission, reach your goal, and never quit. We all want to be confident, but the only way we can develop our confidence and grow is if we take action, try new things, embrace failure, and learn from it. It’s only in the possibility for failure that you’ll find the possibility for incredible amounts of success, growth, and development.
In the next episode, we’ll be starting The Creative Mindset Series, which will feature some incredibly talented artists and musicians from a variety of mediums. You’ll learn a tremendous amount about entrepreneurship by hearing how they approach and deploy their craft on a daily basis.
Previous episodes in The Warrior’s Heart series:
- Ep. 82 – Revealing the Beauty of a Darker Soul – with Josh Mantz
- Ep. 83 – Overcoming Trauma & Finding Meaning in Suffering – with Josh Mantz
- Ep. 84 – A Warrior’s Grit: Forging (and Reforging) a Navy SEAL Leader – with Jason Redman
- Ep. 85 – Lessons Learned at 45,000 Feet: The 1st Female F-14 Fighter Pilot – with Carey Lohrenz
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