Ep. 58 – Happiness, Fulfillment, & You
This is the last episode in the Happiness Series. We have been taught to believe that we can not choose to be happy because happiness is something that can only be earned – that’s not true.
We can take hold of happiness any time we choose. Happiness is an attitude, and attitude is a choice.
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” –Viktor Frankl
Over the past several weeks, we had leading experts from a wide array of industries share, confirm, and reiterate simple truths about happiness, fulfillment, and impact.
- Sheryl O’Loughlin had a phenomenal job, great career, and great potential – all of the success we might imagine for ourselves. However, it came at a great cost… one that nearly took her life. Sheryl taught us how truly powerful our choice to be happy can be.
- JP Sears joined us for two hilarious and ultra spiritual episodes. He helped us laugh, but he also offered insight about cultivating our greatness, belief, and rejoicing in small victories.
- Doug Kisgen challenged us to rethink happiness, and in doing so accomplish great things by living a life of virtue (which means to do the common uncommonly well). He wasn’t talking about scaling, hustling, or grinding – he was talking about love, patience, prudence, and justice.
- Jason Kotecki revealed the epidemic of adultitis, and encouraged us to engage in our childlike nature from time to time. Children are creative, insightful, speak their minds, and love unconditionally… can we do that?
Don’t be a podcast junkie…
- KILLING IT!: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Keeping Your Head Without Losing Your Heart by Sheryl O’Loughlin
- Get a free excerpt from How To Be Ultra Spiritual: 12½ Steps to Spiritual Superiority by JP Sears
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