Ep. 17 – Honoree Corder: How Short-Term Massive Action Can Lead To Long-Term Massive Results
Today I have a delightful and authentic conversation with Honoree Corder. She is an entrepreneur, coach, speaker and prolific author. Currently, she is writing her 20th book, You Must Write a Book, for professionals who absolutely should write a book as a differentiator. She calls writing a book “the new business card.”
Honoree was raised with an entrepreneurial spirit. “Being an entrepreneur means you get to eat what you kill.” Your effort is returned to you, and only to you. Entrepreneurs are punished or rewarded based on how much time and effort they put into their businesses.
“Go ahead and start the business, instead of having it as an idea that’s marinating. If it’s been marinating, it’s marinated.” If you start, your business will, over time, take on a life of its own. If you’re currently an employee with the hunger for entrepreneurship, turn your idea into a side hustle.
“Keep going. Be patient. Some day your side hustle will be your main hustle.” Carve out time to do the thing that you really want to do. That will fuel you, feed you and tide you over. If you’re waiting to jump from one situation to the next, you’re missing out on an opportunity for your passion to grow and be nurtured.
Honoree wrote her first book because she had a 15 second mentor. She met Mark Victor Hansen at a conference, and he said to her, “Everybody is a coach and a speaker, you need a book.” She took her most popular presentation and turned it into a book.
Honoree wrote the amazing book Vision to Reality: How Short Term Massive Action Equals Long Term Maximum Results. In order to get from where you are now to your dreams, there are certain steps that have to be taken. You have to take short-term, massive action that will compound, and it will lead to long-term massive results. Four things precede a successful new reality:
- Think – If you don’t think you can achieve your vision, you want get to the next step.
- Believe – If you don’t believe your vision is possible for you, it will not be possible.
- Deserve – If you don’t believe you deserve your vision, you will reach an upper limit to success.
- Commit – Finally, you have to commit yourself mentally, and commit your time, to your vision.
Be authentically yourself. Authenticity is so powerful because people want to know that others are imperfect, and that others are vulnerable. Those are strengths, not weaknesses. Honoree invents the word “authentistic” during the interview to describe the act of being authentic and fantastic. You mess up, you have struggles, you are human, and it’s okay.
If you want something, you have to give it away: this can be anything from money to love to authenticity. As an author, Honoree wants good reviews. So, one day she decides to review The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod on Goodreads. Now, she and Hal have a partnership to create The Miracle Morning book series.
“I think that people have the perception that successful people, in whatever they do, are somehow special people, and the only difference between successful people and people who aren’t as successful as they want to be … is that they have done a little bit more a little bit longer.”
Honoree truly exudes authenticity and positivity in the advice and stories she offers during this episode. I had a lot of fun talking to her, and I hope you got something great from it too.
- How did Honoree go from single mom to prolific author?
- What are some ways that employees with a hunger for entrepreneurship can take their first step?
- Why did Honoree write Vision to Reality: How Short Term Massive Action Equals Long Term Maximum Results?
- How do people break through their own façade to be authentic?
- How authenticity can be a powerful force for success
- Why, if you want something, you have to give it away
- How to bring an idea from vision to reality
- Why you should write a book
- Plus much more…
- Learn more about Honoree: Website | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn
- Read Vision to Reality: How Short Term Massive Action Equals Long Term Maximum Results by Honoree Corder
- Authenticity is the New Black – TedX by Honoree Corder
- You Must Write a Book by Honoree Corder (coming September 2016)
- Giftology by John Ruhlin
- The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod