Ep. 155 – The AMRAP Mentality: As Many Reps as Possible – with Jason Khalipa
When you walk through the doors of NCFIT, the first thing you’re going to be greeted by is a smiling face, then another and another – and, immediately, even a stranger will feel welcome. That’s the power of community.
And cultivating a passionate community is exactly what NCFIT founder Jason Khalipa wanted to do when he started what is now a small CrossFit empire; he wanted to create an environment where employees were paid to chase their passion, do what they love, and create happier, healthier communities along the way. It’s a marriage of fitness and hospitality that really makes an impact on the people who come through the doors.
But running NCFIT is just one of Jason’s many hats. He is also author of As Many Reps as Possible, the host of two podcasts (AMRAP Mentality and Business of Fitness), and a dedicated philanthropist who gives so much to spread awareness for pediatric cancer and provide support to families fighting that difficult fight.
Jason started his philanthropy work in 2016, after he and his wife were faced with a parent’s worst nightmare: their daughter, Ava, was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of four. But the Khalipa family embraced Ava’s diagnosis and faced it with unyielding positivity.
Instead of playing it safe, they went all in. Instead of focusing on themselves, they spread support. Instead of worrying, they celebrated. Because those are the memories that Jason wants Ava to remember.
And no matter what is happening or where you are in your life, it’s never too late. You can overcome any adversity. You can start that business. You can write the story of your own life.
You are the only person who can free your potential.
Don’t be a podcast junkie…
- Learn more at http://www.jasonkhalipa.com/
- Read: As Many Reps as Possible
- Listen to AMRAP Mentality: http://www.jasonkhalipa.com/ampodcast
- Listen to Business of Fitness: https://www.ncfitpodcast.fit/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jasonkhalipa/
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/jasonkhalipa
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