Ep. 148 – Live a Great Story – with Zach Horvath
I was waiting for coffee here in Santa Cruz when I saw a young woman sitting in the corner reading former guest Patrick Lencioni’s book, The Advantage. I had to know more about her – because this isn’t something you see that often around here – and she told me that she’s on a journey with an organization called LIVE A GREAT STORY.
I share that little story (which ended up being a magical moment of serendipity) with all of you because that’s how I ended up meeting today’s guest and the organization’s founder, Zach Horvath, someone I had been wanting to talk to for quite a while. LIVE A GREAT STORY is a diverse and authentic community focused on inspiring each other to craft their own journey, be true to themselves, and make a unique and meaningful impact.
This powerful community was born out of Zach’s desire to connect with people from all around the world. Someone who speaks a different language, comes from a different place, or looks different than you may seem, well, different. However, once you get past the outer layer and start learning about their life story, you start to realize that we are all more similar than we are different.
“At the core, we’re all people. No matter the variables that we tend to stack on top of that foundation of being a person – like a worldview, experience, situation, and geography – we’re all just people underneath it all.”
Be the Author of Your Own Story
Zach tells us that “the daily decisions that we make are what make up our story.” So when we live each day with intention and don’t let life just happen to us, we become the authors of our stories.
I hope this episode and the LIVE community inspire you to take the proverbial pen and live as the author of your story, pushing yourself forward to become a hub of inspiration in your community. Because this is a way we can all make a profound impact on our families, our friends, our communities, and the world – and all it takes to get started is positive intention and a few kind words.
Don’t be a podcast junkie…
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- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zoomhorvath/
- Watch: “Somm: Into the Bottle”
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