Ep. 146 – Approach Each Day Like New Year’s: Creating the Life You Want to Live – with John Brenkus
The beginning of a new year is just like any other day: an opportunity to refresh and create the life you want to live. It’s great that people focus on this every new year, but can you imagine living a life where you wake up and approach every day with this mindset?
Too often, the New Year comes and we make a resolution – we decide to lose weight, drink less, etc. – and then, after a few days or weeks, we start to slide. But today’s guest understands that you can’t do something halfway. If you want to make a change, you have to make the choice to change. But not only that, you also have to be committed to that choice!
John Brenkus (affectionately referred to as “Johnny One Speed” by his wife) is the 6x Emmy-Award Winning Creator, Host, and Producer of Sport Science, the Best-Selling Author of The Perfection Point, and host of The Brink of Midnight Podcast – and he is the perfect person to teach us how to tackle each day like an opportunity to do more.
The 7 P’s of Life
John’s dad had a profound impact on his life, and one of the most important things he taught him were the 7 P’s: Prior Proper Planning Prevent Piss-Poor Performance. In other words, you’re never going to get where you want to go without direction.
At the same time, John’s father taught him to dream big. When you combine these lessons, you have a recipe for a remarkable life. And when you take that with you every day, it’s almost impossible not to achieve what you set out to do.
“Whatever it is that I want to do, I’m either doing it or I’m not doing it; I’m either on or I’m off.”
In a world full of get-rich-quick schemes and Facebook ads promising one product to solve all of your weight-loss problems, there are people selling shortcuts to every dream. But shortcuts rarely work the way they’re sold, and there’s great value in choosing the more difficult path.
This path less traveled will require constant reinvention, and that’s definitely not an easy thing to do – but it will be just a little bit easier if you approach each day as an opportunity to refresh.
Don’t be a podcast junkie…
- Learn more at https://www.johnbrenkus.com/
- Connect with John: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- Listen: The Brink of Midnight Podcast
- Watch: Soul & Science
- Watch: Sport Science
- Read: The Perfection Point: Sport Science Predicts the Fastest Man, the Highest Jump, and the Limits of Athletic Performance
- Support the Ray of Hope Foundation: https://www.rayofhopefoundation.org/
- Get tickets for the Gold Jacket Party for a Purpose: https://www.rayofhopefoundation.org/tickets
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